A : Good morning! So we just moved into our new house. Uhm, we haven't actually moved in because our stuff isn't here yet. Our stuff doesn't get here until February so. All the furniture that you have seen in the house is government furniture. I've decided I would give you guys a house tour. These houses are newly built. Uhm I think we are the first people that's been living in them. So we got really lucky with this house. The other houses on base are really ghetto and really scary so . . . if you move to Kadena just pray that you get one of these houses and not one of these ghetto houses.

B : Welcome to Okinawa, this is our home.

A : This is, our front door, like really heavy duty doors for all the typhoons and stuff.

D : Doorbell, this is our door, we have four locks for when the hurricane and typhoons comes so that our door doesn't get blown open.

A : So we have two of them, yep, heavy duty doors.

D : Okay, come in . . .

B : Over here we have a closet.

D : A little coat, a coat closet right here. I don't know why they have handles because they don't turn, they just open, it's pretty big though.

C : You see this closet, which, it's just like a coat closet, I have Brandon's jacket in there that he does't wear.

D : This house was just newly remodelled so everything in it is brand new.

C : And, through this door, is our laundry room.

A : We have the laundry room which is also pretty big. Uhm, we have some storage up there and back there so, that's cool, we have a new washer and dryer. D : Including a washer and dryer that's brand new and again I don't care how many clothes I wash 'cause I don't have to pay for it, I can wash clothes everyday if I want.

C : Pretty big, cabinets, and then some space up there.

B : And on the other side, now we are in the living room, this is temporary furniture the governments letting us borrow, and we also have our dining room.

A : And here is the living room, which is a decent size, you can hear the people upstairs walking around, it's gonna get kind of annoying.

C : And here is the living room, Brandon is playing Xbox and Kaia is watching Cinderella.

Brandon : Hi Mom.

C : The couch and the coffee table and two end tables are government furniture and our TV set, the TV is ours Yeah!

A : And then back here is what we call the study room, and Josh is going to use it for his man cave which is this really really tiny, tiny tiny room, so Josh is going to put a TV in here, and a chair and is going to play his stupid video games so that I don't have to hear him.

C : And then through this door, is our office.

D : They give us a desk, I don't know why? thought we could keep papers and stuff in there?

C : Yeah, and that's also government furniture, so, pretty small.

A : Then back here is our porch and our backyard, uhm yes, some of those, those are the old housing, and all the housing looks different its just one type the old housing, then we have some storage right over there.

C : And here's our deck, pretty decent size. . .

Brandon : Here's my deck!

B : Our backyard which we don't get any, the people below us own it . . . And through the back we have the back of the house, and outside there's storage unit and this is our patio.

D : This is our side yard, we're next to the golf course so we've got some beautiful land out here, have a little yard or when the grass grows in, Ciara will be able to run around, got a little porch right here.

A : And . . . back trough this way, we have the kitchen down there.

C : And this way, is our kitchen.

D : Temporary furniture until we get some, thanks to the government.

A : This is just the water heater, nothing fancy.

C : It's for the air conditioner?

Brandon : Yeah

C : The air conditioner thing.

D : Which I will be using everyday, not a single fuck will be given for how ever much I use because I don't have to pay for it.

C : And here is the closet.

A : This is a huge closet like, like it's so big I can sleep in here, could live in here.

C : It's, I just use it to, Uh O.K . . . focus? here we go. I use it to store more stuff, like our cleaner and our cable things.

A : And then we have the kitchen, which is also really big, which I love . . . perhaps . . . yep

C : And here's our kitchen. . . the dining room table is, government furniture.

A : We have, the rest you see up here is ours, so here is my little area where I keep my purse. A refrigerator . . . And this is out front.

D : It kinda weird you can't tell with the other quads look like as ugly as moving vans right there and look nicer.

A : I don't know if you guys can see those houses with . . . that's our housing looks like, so as you can tell a lot better than the older houses. . . And . . . over here we have a pantry.

D : Over here, the kitchen table, dishwasher, I don't know why we have so many cabinets, I really don't. I guess air forces likes to think we play like hide and go seek. A refrigerator, nothing fancy, but we don't need nothing fancy, got a pretty big pantry actually, it's a walk in pantry, got a little light, there's a lot of food.

C : And then in here we have a pantry, so in our pantry are a collection of plastic bags, which we need to get rid of, and you can kind of walk in.

D : A nice little electric stove here, apparently it's, because I don't really care it's kind of stayed 10:30 the entire time I lived here.

C : And, so everything up here, on the counter is ours, we bought all of that, we have tons and tons of cabinet space, it's a ridiculous amount of cabinet space, and this is our garbage, sorry!

A : Then, this is considered a two bedroom with a study room so back here we have two bedrooms, this is one of them.

D : it isn't that big, isn't really that big, got a bed, a couple night stands, dresser . . .

C : More government furniture . . . Pretty decent size, at least we will be able to fit all. My bedroom furniture in here, so that's good, and then here's our closet, not many clothes . . .

A : A little closet, like how the rest of the houses have big closets, but, like the rest, all the other closets in the house are big, but then in the bedrooms you get small closets . . .

C : Then Brandon has the other side, he's pretty organized too, what a good boy…

D : Over here . . . as we come this way . . .

A : And then we have, one bathroom . . .

D : A bathroom . . .

C : And then, here's our bathroom . . .

D : There you go.

C : There you go . . .

D : Lights, I got two sinks, one for me one for Jesse, more cabinets, two mirrors but this one's really like getting on, medicine cabinet.

C : We have the medicine cabinet.

A : Toilet . . . shower . . . yeah, it's kind of dark in the bathroom so I might need . . . lighting, there you are it's like one of our bulbs is low. And then the light switches in here, in the whole house are really really low, so kind of, kind of weird, my husband is 6'5" so that's going to be fun for him.

C : Toilet which is actually like pretty low, it's kind of funny . . . Yeah, and our shower . . .

D : Pretty nice tiled floor. I guess that's for … when we have an over flooded shit. A bathroom, pretty normal bath tub, shower head, toilet, pretty small toilet though, not going to lie, I'm pretty scared about this one . . .

C : Back into the hall way, we have another closet, it's here, I've put just some towels and sheets and stuff like that in there.

D : These handles actually do work, these are from our closets, we have two of them, one here and one here, this is the circuit box.

A : And then right here you just have another closet . . .

C : And another closet, which we don't have anything in right now,

A : . . . these. like a bed room, same deal with the other one, nothing fancy . . .

C : And then this is Kaia's room, her bed and all her furniture is all government furniture, they are actually coming from my parents house, so should be here. Some of Kaia's clothes that she can't wear it's too hot but, its her closet, it's about the same size as me and Brandon's.

House Tour On-base housing Kadena AB Okinawa

Transactions of military land in Okinawa are completely different from regular transactions of real estate. The market price deals only with the ratio of the land's annual rent without concerning the conditions of the land or its extent, because the purpose of the buyers is only income from the rent. And the ratio remains higher where there is uncertainty of the land ever being returned by US forces. About 10% of the main island of the Okinawa islands has been covered by U.S military bases since 1972 when the United States returning Okinawa to Japan retained conditional rights to all U.S. military installations. The Japanese government rents the property from the landowners lending it to the U.S. forces. Owning Okinawa "military ground" remains a highly lucrative investment guaranteed by the Japanese government.

A:お早う。やっと新しい家に越してきたところ。っていうか 2 月まで私たちの家具は来ないから、ホントに越したとはまだ言 えないけど。今から見せる家具はどれも政府支給のものなんだけど、とりあえず、ハウス・ツアーをしてみんなに家を紹介する事 にしたから。 ここは新築で私たちがほぼ最初の住人みたい。でもここに住めて凄くラッキー。 基地の古い他の家はホント、ゲットー、ホント怖いし。誰か嘉手納に来るなら、ホント、ゲットーのじゃなくて 新しい家に入れるよう、祈っておいた方がいいよ。


A:ここが玄関なんだけど、すごいヘヴィー・デューティー、っていうか台風とかのため? D:ドアベル。このドアには 4 つも鍵があるから、台風やハリケーンにも耐えられるよ。


D:O.K 上がって。この上は、クローゼット。



C:このクローゼット、見えてる? コート用、ブレンドンのコートが掛けてあるけど、滅多に着ないやつ。





C:結構大きな戸棚、上にもスペースがあって . . .

B:反対側に行くと . . . リビング。これは一時的に政府が借しだしてる家具よ。そしてこっちがダイニングルーム。


C:で、これがリビング。ブランドンが X-Box で遊んでて . . . カイアはシンデレラを見てるわ。


C:それにソファとコーヒー・テーブル、あと 2 つのサイド・テーブルは政府支給の家具ね。それとテレビ・セット。テレビは私 たちのよ! Yeah!

A:この奥が勉強部屋って呼んでる部屋。ジョシュが隠れ家にして籠るって、ホントに、ホントに狭くて小ちゃい部屋、 ジョシュはテレビやイスを置いてくだらないビデオ・ゲームとかをやるつもりらしいから、おかげで私はいちいち相手にしなくて すみそう。

C:このドアの向こうは . . . 私たちのオフィスよ。



A:こっちはベランダと裏庭が見えるわ。あっちは古いアパート。古いところは見た目も違っていて、あれはその中の一つ。 あと、すぐそこに物置がついてるの。

C:ここはデッキよ。十分な大きさかしら。 ブランドン:俺のディックのこと?


D:ここはサイド・ヤードで、隣にゴルフコースがあるから、きれいな広場が見える。小さい庭もあって芝生が生えればキアラ が走り回ったり出来るし、ポーチもある。




C:これはただの給湯器ね。特に贅沢なものじゃないわ。これってエアコンの? ブランドン:そうだよ。


D:毎日、入れっぱなしだろうな . . . エアコンは、使いすぎそうだな、いくら使ってもタダだし。



C:ここは何に使ってたっけ . . . ああ、ピント? これで良しと。ここにはいろいろ、掃除機、ケーブルとかを置いてるわ。




D:変だけど、ここからじゃ他の建物がどう見えるかわからないな . . . そこの汚いヴァン見たいな感じ。ここから見るとまだいい けど。


D:こっちには . . . キッチンテーブルや食器洗浄機がある。なんでキャビネットがこんなにあるのかよくわからない。 空軍は俺たちがかくれんぼでもしてたいと思ってる見たいだ。 他には、見ろよ、このでかい冷蔵庫。普通だけど、普通で十分。でかい食糧棚もある。こりゃウォーク・イン・パントリーだな。 ライトも付いてる。食い物、相当入るな。


D:ここには、小さくて良さそうな電気調理台。どうでもいいけどずっと 10 時 31 分でとまってる。

C:それでと、カウンターの上にあるのは全部私たちが買ったものよ。ばかみたいにたくさんキャビネットがあるわ。 こっちはゴミ、失礼!

A:ここは2つのベッドルームと勉強部屋ってことね。こっちにベッドルームが2つ。これがそのうちの一つ。 D:この部屋はそんなに広くはない。ホントにそんなに広くない。ベッドに、いい感じのサイド・ランプ . . . ドレッサー . . .

C:また政府支給の家具。まあまあ、ちょうどいいサイズ , 少なくともどれもここの部屋にはぴったりなので問題なしね。 A:こっちにはクローゼット、そんなに服は入ってないけど。小さなクローゼットね。この家の他のクローゼットはどこも大きいのに、 ベッドルームにあるのだけ小さいってどうなの?


D:この向こうには . . . こっちを通って




D:こんな感じ。照明と、シンクが 2 つある。俺じゃなくてジェス用、また戸棚、鏡が二つ、一つは実は薬棚だけど。


A:トイレット。シャワー . . . そう、ちょっと暗いわね。もうちょっと明るくしたいかな。この家はいろんなものが低く設計されて いるの。ちょっと変な感じ。旦那は 6 フィート 5 インチあるから、楽しみ。

C:トイレの位置が凄く低くて、なんかおかしい。そう,こっちがシャワー . . .

D:いい床が貼ってある。あふれちゃっても大丈夫なように。浴室は普通のバスタブ。シャワーヘッド . . . トイレ、めちゃくちゃ 小さいな、このトイレ! マジでこりゃちょっと怖いな . . .


D:このノブはちゃんと回るな。この階には2つもクローゼットがある。一つはここで . . . もう一つはここ。こっちは配電盤が入っ てる。

A:後、これはまた別のクローゼット。別のクローゼットね、今のところ、何も入っていないわ。それからベッドルーム。 他のベッドルームと同じつくりよ。特に面白くもないわね。

C:ここがカイアの部屋。彼女のベッドと家具も全部、政府の支給品。実は彼女の家具は私の両親の家からちょっとしたらここに届 く筈。カイアの服。暑いからほとんど着てないけど。彼女のクローゼットよ。私たちの部屋のクローゼットとほぼ同じサイズね。

A *Candy Factory Project / Homes for America

沖縄 Okinawa, Japan


House Tour
On-base housing Kadena AB Okinawa

AFN Okinawa 2003

Gate One Okinawa

岩国 Iwakuni, Japan

Route 189

Route 189 / Comics

東京 Tokyo, Japan

Yokota Airspace

Aoyama Park South District

Hardy Barracks

Anti-Airport Farming

Icho Danchi

Washington Heights /
The Yoyogi National Gymnasium

The Shinto Directive 1945

DMZ Korea

DeMilitarized Zone
Amusement Park

Pyeongtaek, South Korea

Welcome, Your Home Away From Home

Hello Classmates

The Exchange Food Court at Camp Humphreys

Sigonella, Italy


House Tour Marinai

Starving dogs and prostitutes

Sembawang, Singapore

Marriage Enrichment Retreat

Angeles, Philippines

Fields Ave.

HỒ CHÍ MINH, Vietnam

Saigon Sketches


American Sitcom
Joining The Airforce

Military Man


*Candy Factory Projects