Migrants, Immigrants, Emigrants, Refugees, Exiles, Expatriates and Others.






SECOND PLANET / 宮川敬一+外田久雄



IMIN is the Japanese word written with two Chinese characters, 移民. 民 stands for people, and 移 means to move, change, transfer, shift, transfer, switch, or displace, remove, turn over, or shuffle.






また2002年タナ・デ・ズルエッタ議員はポルトパロ近海で遺体の回収と事故の犠牲者のための慰霊碑として異教間共通の寺院の建設案、総予算 5.000.000 ユーロ( 約6,8億円)をイタリア議会に提出したが、ポルトパロの住民からの激しい反対によって却下されている。




(テクスト : 古郷卓司)





Federico Baronello

In the Sicilian fishing village of Portopalo there is a small statue of Maria looking down the coast. It is part of a monument which commemorates the 283 people who died in a shipwreck a few miles out at sea. The monument was made by Don Palacino, a priest at the local parish church.

The tragedy occurred on Christmas Eve in 1996. A Lebanese ship from Egypt was illegally trafficking several hundred people, mainly immigrants from India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The accident happened at night when the immigrants were being transferred from the main ship into small Maltese boats ready to take them illegally to Italy.
In an attempt to get as many passengers as possible onto the one of the boats people were locked into the refrigerator bulk, and in the process of filling the decks with even more people waves pounded the boat which crashed into the main ship and sank under the sea.

5 days later on the 30th December, the main Lebanese ship was found in Napfilion in Greece together with 172 illegal immigrants including 29 survivors from the shipwreck who told of their misfortune when questioned by a Greek magistrate. Although the story was reported by Reuters it was completely ignored by the Italian media except for the newspaper Manifesto.

In 2001 Gianmaria Bellu, a journalist from La Republica published a scandalous article based on a confession made by a fisherman from Portpalo. It stated that many of the fishermen had been pulling up the bodies of dead refugees in their nets, and that they had kept silent about it in an attempt to avoid trouble and to protect their business.
The scandal soon hit the village and the fishing community and Portopalo became the target of media attention all over Europe.

Stefano Boeri, an Italian architect and director of the artist group <Multiplicity> presented a multi media installation about the tragedy in collaboration with the Journalist Gianmaria Bellu at Documenta 11 in Kassel, Germany.

Tana De Zulueta, an Italian Senator, submitted a Parliamentary Initiative on March 2002 about the construction of an inter-religious shrine in memory of the victims and for the Government to retrieve the drowned bodies from the shipwreck. The total estimated cost was 5.000.000 EUR. The proposal was declined by the Parliament because of the controversy which had arisen in Portopalo.

In 2002 Don Palacino made a monument of St. Paul in Portpalo using a small sum of money raised by his parish church community. Since then he has built a series of monuments for victims of the sea and positioned them around the village. In constructing these monuments he made use of the typical plaster and plastic figures of saints commercially produced for catholic churches.
However when he made the monument to commemorate the shipwreck in 1996, he combined the figures with parts of the wreckage, resulting in an ironic combination of catholic figures and the Arabic characters painted on the refugees boats.

Human traffickers still continue to drop people along the Sicilian coast. They use Maghreb shippers to transport immigrants mainly from African countries such as Togo, Sudan, Somalia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Eritrea via Egypt or Libya. Many of these boats get picked up or rescued by the Italian Coast Guard, but an unknown number of them are lost at sea. The Asylum seekers which are caught get sent to detention centers. These centres are overcrowded beyond capacity and conditions there are very poor.

Due to the escalating influx of illegal immigrants from Africa in the EU it is almost impossible for them to receive refugee status. Instead they are swiftly given a notice of deportation and forced to leave the detention centers.
But for many of them it is impossible to leave Italy without any money or somewhere to go and they soon fall into illegal activities, picking up jobs on the black market or moving around Europe as paperless illegal immigrants.

To combat this problem the Italian government has recently changed its procedure at the border and started to set up detention centres on the coast of Libya to where the refugees now get sent. The Libyan government has agreed to this in exchange for funds from Italy and the EU.
( Text : Takuji Kogo )


Federico Baronello + Takuji Kogo 2009


ヴィットリアはシチリア、ラグーサ地方にあるチェリートマトの産地としてよく知られている。周辺ではおよそ100 kmにも渡る地域が、トマト生産農家のヴィニール・ハウスによって覆い尽くされているのを見る事が出来る。農業技術の発達によって季節を問わず作物の収穫が可能になり、ヴィットリアでも成功している多くの農家が大規模なハウス栽培を行って、高品質の有機栽培トマトや野菜をここから常時、ヨーロッパ中に出荷している。またそれに伴ってチュニジア人季節労働者たちも年間を通じて働くことが出来るようになり、その低コストの労働力が1980年代から90年代を通じて地場産業の発展の一端を支えていった。


現在では東欧からの出稼ぎ移民もヴィットリアのプランテーションに職を求めて押し寄せている。多くはルーマニアからの移民だが、ポーランド人、アルメニア人、中にはウクライナ人等もいる。ヨーロッパ共同体拡大の下今ではほとんどの者が不法滞在ではなく、正規ルートで入国し働く事が可能になっている。* プランテーション内で政府やECなどの規定する労働基準が守られる事は少ない。例えば移民労働者は一見、合法的に農家と5ヶ月の季節労働契約をかわすが、契約期間が切れても政府が至急する失業手当をその後3ヶ月間受け取りながら、無給で働く事を前提にしていたりする。また多くの移民労働者がプランテーション内で生活しているため、労働時間の基準等は当然守られることはなく、ハウス内で昼夜を問わず必要に応じて働かされているのが現状だ。 労働力を供給する不法な闇市場は、チュニジア移民とルーマニア移民の間での仕事の奪い合いによって一層活発化している。街のある広場では、早朝から契約のない移民労働者が日雇いの職にありつくため、それぞれの人種同士に別れて、農家のトラックに拾われるのを待っている光景が見られる。 そのすぐそばでは大規模な野菜市場が常に稼働していて、国際流通業者などのトレーラーやトラックが昼夜を問わず往来し、イタリアでも最も高品質なトマトなどの野菜がヨーロッパ中に出荷されている。これら全てがヴィットリア一帯をひとつの巨大な野菜工場として機能させている。


フェデリコ・バロネッロ + 古郷卓司






Vittoria is situated in the Province of Ragusa on Sicily. It is a center for cherry tomato production. Spread along a 100 km stretch of coast covered with sheet-plastic greenhouses.Developments in industrial agriculture have made it possible to produce vegetables throughout the year. The most successful producers are able to ceaselessly cultivate high quality organic tomatoes and vegetables in large scale greenhouse complexes and distribute them all over Europe.
This industrialized system has enabled seasonal migrant tomato pickers from Tunisia to stay and work all year round. During the 1980's and 90's low-cost labour played an important part in the growth of the industry.In between the many greenhouses are small brick buildings. These are homes to the migrant tomato pickers. They look like the stereotypical huts seen beside meadows in Sicily or found on the locations of spaghetti western films. But today they adorn satellite dishes.However in recent years many of the Tunisian pickers have left the plantation huts and moved to apartments in the town. Some of them belong to the third generation of migrants. Some are involved in the recruitment of new laborers to the farms. They are often seen at the Ferry Port in Palermo welcoming new recruits and their families from Tunisia.

Today many migrant tomato pickers from the former eastern block countries have come for work at the plantations. These are mainly Romanians, but also some Poles, Albanians and Ukrainians. Many of which are no longer seen as illegal due to the expansion of the European Union*. Regulations for working conditions on the plantations are often neglected. For example migrant workers usually work on 5 month seasonal contracts but stay on for another 3 months without pay, receiving unemployment benefit from the Italian government instead. Also the regulations on working hours are easily ignored since the pickers often live on site, making it possible to work day and night. The black labour market has flourished due to the hard competition between the Tunisian and Romanian workers. This can be seen at the town square early each morning when migrant workers without contracts, standing in ethnic groups, wait to be picked up by farmers for day work. Nearby there is a huge wholesale vegetable market which provides some of the best quality tomatoes in Europe. The area around Vittoria functions as one giant vegetable factory. Trailers and trucks owned by global distribution companies are continuously seen coming and going day and night.

*The Schengen Agreement was extended to include Romania and Bulgaria in 2007 and has gradually been disassembling internal borders and checkpoints.

Federico Baronello + Takuji Kogo

Non_sites Takuji Kogo 2009


Mike Bode + Takuji Kogo

ホミ / トヨタ






2008年以降、現在の世界同時不況下、ドル安による自動車、精密機械など日本国内の輸出製造業は打撃を受け、豊田市もまたトヨタ自動車の業績悪化によって税収30%減を発表。製造業で単純労働に就くブラジル人を含む多くの派遣労働者が解雇されている。 解雇されたブラジル人労働者たちはデモなどを通じて行政や産業界に向けて抗議活動を行っているが再就職は難しい。現在、永住も考慮に日本で家族との生活を築き上げてきた数千人にのぼるブラジル人家族が帰国を余儀なくされている。失職と同時に住居を失ったものもいて、彼等にとっても愛知県下、最大のブラジル 人コミュニティーとして知らてれいる保見団地は、故郷同様、母国語で生活が出来る避難場所なのだろう。名古屋市内でのデモでは、現在も空室の多い保見団地を挙げて
”県営保見住宅350戸 入居させて!”


マイク・ボード + 古郷卓司



In a rice field on the road leading up to Homi-ga-oka (Homi hill) there is a brand new billboard advertising the Emirates airline. Recently the Emirates cancelled their flights from neighboring Nagoya to Brazil via Dubai. The billboard announces that the airline now only operates between Osaka to Sao Paulo but offers a free bus connection from Nagoya. The advert is written in Portuguese with no Japanese text.

Situated at the top of Homi-ga-oka is the Homi Public Housing Estate which consists of over 40 apartment blocks, shops and schools. It is divided into two sections, one was originally owned by the Government funded Housing and Urban Development Corporation, the other section is still rented through the prefectural government. It was originally constructed in the 1970's as a suburb to Toyota City and was intended for young Japanese families. Like most Public Housing Estates in Japan today many of the residents are old age pensioners, some of whom live alone. Many of the apartments are uninhabited. The Homi Public Housing Estate has a population of around 11,000 and more than 4,000 of these are Brazilian immigrants. Consequently most of the streets signs and shops use Portuguese.

Neighboring Toyota City, known as the Japanese Motown, was named after the family run automobile company which was founded there before WW2. The original buildings of the Toyota head quarters and factory gates which can still be seen are over shadowed today by the Toyota Technical Center and the many new office buildings. The city is tidy and provincial, interspersed with large factories, subcontractors and car show rooms most of which run along the route 248 connecting the city to the main factory site.

In 1990, in the backdrop of an ever declining population in need of an unskilled labour work force, the Japanese government began to issue special long term resident permits to descendants of Japanese emigrants. These were offspring to the many thousands of Japanese who had emigrated to South America in the early twentieth century. A revision of Japan's strict Immigration and Refugee Recognition Act made it legal to admit people of Japanese ancestry up to the third generation together with their spouses. This scheme resulted in over 300,000 Brazilians moving to Japan, most of whom could not speak Japanese. However language ability was not a hindrance for obtaining work within the unskilled sections of the manufacturing industries, work which they obtained through recruitment agencies and employment brokers set up in Brazil.

These recruitment networks were often run by Brazilian Japanese and operated under the guise of travel agencies offering flights to Japan, assistance with permits, accommodation and access to unskilled manufacturing jobs. In some cases they offered loans that would be repaid after a period of work in Japan enabling even the poorest Japanese Brazilians to emigrate.

Today the global recession and the declining value of the US dollar have badly effected the export industries in Japan, especially the Automobile industry and precision manufacturers. For example, Toyota City has lost 30% of its tax revenues due to Toyota Automobile Company losses. These circumstances have led to hundreds of temporary contract workers, including many Brazilians, being laid-off.

Brazilian workers have been publicly protesting these layoffs which are effectively forcing thousands of migrant families who have invested many years of there lives in Japan to return home. Finding alternative work is almost impossible due to the language difficulties and some of these workers have now lost their accommodation. At a recent demonstration in Nagoya Aichi one of the participants was seen holding up a sign exclaiming:
"Please put us in the Homi Prefectural Public Housing!! 350 rooms".

Seen as a safe-haven by the protesters and a place where Brazillians can live without having to speak Japanese, the Homi Public Housing Estate houses the largest Brazilian community in the Aichi prefecture. However, despite the many empty apartments in the Homi Estate, the local government only allows a limited number of them on to the market each year as an apparent attempt to stave off an escalating influx of immigrants.

In April 2009 in response to the present situation the Japanese Government initiated a support program for unemployed foreigners of Japanese descent. It offers 3.000 USD towards a plane ticket home (and 2000 USD for each additional family member) in exchange for an agreement to never return to Japan on a special resident permit again. The program even includes unemployed foreigners of Japanese descent who have already received their permanent resident status.

Mike Bode + Takuji Kogo A CANDY FACTORY PROJECT 2009

武吉知馬 購物中心

Q. 外国人家政婦を雇うにはどのような手続きが必要ですか?
A. 以下の順序に従って下さい。
i )お気に入りの家政婦を見つけて下さい。


iii) 到着後3日以内に必修の安全意識に関する講習を受講させて人材省のテストに合格させなければなりません。
vi) 4日ないし5日後、人材省で発行された労働許可証を受け取って下さい。

Q. 私は未婚で3部屋ある政府公共住宅に住んでいますが、家政婦を雇うことは出来ますか?
A. 年収3万ドル以上であれば、外国人家政婦を雇うことが出来ます。

Q. 外国人家政婦税とはいくらですか?
A. 295ドルです。

Q. 外国人家政婦に学歴は必要ですか?
A. 最低8年間の初等教育とそれを証明する書類が必要です。

Q. 外国人家政婦がボーイ・フレンドをつくるのは違法ですか?
A. 外国人家政婦がボーイ・フレンドをつくる事自体は違法ではありませんが、その結果、起こりうる事態を考慮しなければなりません。労働許可とあなたが政府に支払った保証契約には以下の条文が明記されています。

a) 外国人家政婦はシンガポール市民もしくは永住者と結婚してはならない。
b) 外国人家政婦はシンガポール滞在中、妊娠してはならない。
c) 外国人家政婦は家庭を崩壊に導くなどを含めて、不道徳で望ましくない行為に耽ったり、いかなる違法行為に関与してはならない。

Q. もし私の家で外国人家政婦が男性と親密な関係を持ったのを発見したか、あるいはそれが疑わしい場合、どのように対処すればいいのでしょう?
A. 即座に警察に通報しましょう。また出来れば相手の男性を特定して報告して下さい。その外国人家政婦はあなたの信頼を裏切って無責任な行動をとったのですから本国へ送還したほうがよいでしょう。





Q. What are the steps involved in employing a Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW)?
A. The followings are the steps in brief;
i ) Search and select your desired Maid Agency
ii) First time employer to complete the Employers Orientation Programme
iii) Apply work permit for the selected Maid Agency

When work permit approves;
i) Purchase the Maid Agencys Personal Accident Insurance and get the security bond done
ii) Make arrangement for the Maid Agency's arrival.

Upon arrival;
i) Collect the Maid Agency at the airport
ii) Bring the Maid Agency for a medical check-up
iii) Within the next 3 days after arrival, the Maid Agency has to attend the compulsory Safety Awareness Course (SAC)and pass the MOM-stipulated test.
iv) Within 14 day of arrival, submit documents to Ministry of Manpower (MOM) for processing.
v) Within 7 days after the document submission, bring the Maid Agency for photo taking and thumb printing at the MOM.
vi) 4-5 days later, collect the work permit card at MOM.

Q. I am single and am staying in a 3 room HDB flat, am I eligible to hire a Maid Agency?
A. You can hire a Foreign Domestic Worker(FDW) if your annual income is $30,000 and above.

Q. How much Is the Foreign Domestic Worker(FDW) Levy?
A. $295 per month.

Q. Are there any educational requirements for Foreign Domestic Workers?
A. She must have a minimum of 8 years of formal education and possess the necessary educational certificates as a documentary proof of her education.

Q. Is it illegal for a Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs) to have a boyfriend in Singapore?
A. It is not illegal for a FDW to have boyfriend, however the concern is always associated with the problems that she may have or caused because of the boyfriend.
The Work Permit and Security Bond conditions states that:
a) The FDW shall not get married to a Singapore citizen or a permanent resident during her stay in Singapore;
b) The FDW shall not become pregnant during her stay in Singapore;
c) The FDW shall not indulge or be involved in any illegal, immoral or undesirable activities, including breaking up families in Singapore.

Q. What should I do if caught my Foreign Domestic Worker behave suspiciously/intimately with a man at my home?
A. You should make a police report immediately and if possible obtain the particulars of the man. As for the Maid Agency, perhaps it’s a good idea to repatriate her for her irresponsible behavior and for breaking your trust.


Migrants, Immigrants, Emigrants,
Refugees, Exiles, Expatriates
and Others.

◀︎ 2008 Kitakyushu, Brussel ▶︎ 2009 Non_sites, Tokyo, Seoul

1998 -2001 *Candy Factory Yokohama

2000 *Candy Factory SIT.COM

2001 Yokohama Trienniale

2002 Melbourne, Beijing

2002 AIAV

2003 Non_broadcasting Time


2004 Scream
Campaign & Products

2005 Rooseum / Songs @ AIAV

2006 Sanjose

2006 Brisbane, Hiroshima, Madrid

2007 The MOMA, NY

2007 Kitakyusyu Biennial

2008 北九州

2009 移民 IMIN

2009 Non_sites

2010 Non_sites

2011 移民 IMIN

2012 Rome, Singapore

2012 KB in Berlin, Frankfurt

2013 Kitakyushu Biennial World Tour

2014 American Sitcom


2015 Robot NBK

2015 Boogie Woogie Wonderland Kalmar

2016 Aichi Triennial




2019 SEOUL Alt space Loop

2019 Homes for America

2020 Quarantine

2021 Known Knowns

2022 Song of the day

2023 Overground

2024 Imperial Decor

*Candy Factory Projects